xScribble - Let there be colours!

Son, you login to Googletalk and, instead of typing, start drawing what you want. Savvy?

Here's xScribble, the only Gtalk client providing graphical chat functionality!
With this simple application, you and your friend can now draw on a pretty little canvas, together, and over the Internet using our very own Gtalk.

Let there be colours in your chat. Let your creativity flow and have double the fun. :)

xScribble is now in its alpha version, and hence work with minimal chat client functionalities. However, the drawing system will suit all your basic needs. See it for yourself!
There is even a Scribbles Gallery which features the scribbles created by users.

Try out the test version now!
Click here for downloads and more details about xScribble's alpha version.



  1. Xscribble is really cool! Loved it. :D

    Let the colors speak. :rainbow

  2. @ Enigma
    Yeah let the colours speak! And you did the first official scribble in xScribble :D Yay!

  3. @ Insignia
    Thanks a lot! :) Keep motivating! :D

  4. its a gr8 effort rahul! loved it... come up wid more of cool apps lyk dis :)

  5. Thank you buddy! Its good to know people are finding it useful and nice :)

  6. ..... i did comment using my mobile phone.... but apparently it didn't get through :(

  7. Been a while since I last visited.........good to be back at ur blog for ur daily dose of tech fundas!!! :))

  8. @ Shadow
    Ah, hope you get a superfast internet connection soon :)

  9. @ Vyazz
    Or am I only posting techy things a bit too frequently, that even when you return after a while, you see more techy things only?! ;)
    Hey, its nice to see you again. Great that you manage to keep in touch :)
